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To start your entry, please use the button below. If you have previously started, please login on the right-hand side.

We would advise completing your entry in Word or a similar programme first before copying and pasting into the entry form.

If you need help with your entry or require any clarification, please contact Muyiwa Adebiyi on 020 3953 2958 or email Muyiwa.Adebiyi@emap.com

The entry deadline for the RAC Cooling Awards is 26 April 2024.The winners will be announced at Grosvenor House, London on 19 September 2024.


Welcome to the 2024 Cooling Industry Awards. These are the biggest and most prestigious awards for the refrigeration and air conditioning sector. After two decades, the awards remain committed to celebrating the ongoing development of the industry. Our mission is to honour achievements that can have a real impact on some of the most pressing issues facing the sector concerning innovation; environmental progress; best practice; and personal development.

These awards have hard won a reputation as the most sought-after industry accolades, thanks in no small part to our two-stage judging process, enabling entrants to tell judges all about their entries in their own words.

All finalists selected after the initial entry process will be invited to present to the judges. This requires a major logistic exercise by RAC, involving 50 industry judges and over 100 presentations, but we believe it is worth it. The process allows everyone to pitch what they believe are the important points of their entries, rather than simply relying on the judges’ interpretation.

Entry is free, so we encourage you to give it your best shot!  Best of luck to all the entrants.

This award recognises the cutting-edge use of air conditioning technology, where the new technology provides a definitive change to existing techniques or equipment.

The judges will be looking for entries that make a contribution to environmentally friendlier cooling or heating, whether through reduced emissions, or improvements to performance and system efficiency.

Submissions can come from distributor, manufacturer or designer alike. Whilst this category still requires evidence to back-up claims, as it is for innovation, judges will be weighing ‘pushing boundaries’ and innovation more heavily than volume production.

In 1,000 words or less, please tell the judges why your entry should win. Successful finalists will be invited to pitch to judges in the video face-to-face round at the end of July.

Qualifying period
Jan 2023-May 2024

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Please consider some or all of the following in your entry:

  • A clear description of the innovation or technology and its application
  • In what way is this innovative or distinctive?
  • Environmental benefit
  • Concept, development and delivery
  • Current and potential future applications
  • Repeatability (if appropriate)

Use the criteria above as a guide, but any extra detail or data that will help your entry should be included. Additional material can be provided as attachments for reference, but the essential elements of the entry should be kept within the 1,000-words. Please do not simply attach the whole entry as a pdf!

As we bid to put small-but-important products into the spotlight, entries are invited from companies that have launched a new air conditioning component, accessory or peripheral item into the market within the qualifying period. Submissions can come from distributor, manufacturer or designer alike.

The judges will be looking for entries that have made a substantial contribution to environmentally friendlier cooling, whether through reduced emissions, energy efficiency or improved performance. Data to back up claims is important.

In 1,000 words or less, please tell the judges why your entry should win. Successful finalists will be invited to pitch to judges in the video face-to-face round in July.

Qualifying period
Jan 2023-March 2024

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Please consider some or all of the following in your entry:

  • A clear description of the product or technology and its application
  • Environmental benefit
  • Concept, development and delivery
  • Current and potential future applications
  • Repeatability (if appropriate)

Use the criteria above as a guide, but any extra detail that will help your entry should be included. Additional material can be provided as attachments for reference, but the essential elements of the entry should be kept within the 1,000-words. Please do not simply attach the whole entry as a pdf!

Entries are invited from companies that have launched a new air conditioning system or standalone unit into the market within the qualifying period. Submissions can come from distributor, manufacturer or designer alike.

The judges will be looking for entries that have made a substantial contribution to environmentally friendlier cooling, whether through reduced emissions, energy efficiency or improved performance. Data to back up claims is important.

In 1,000 words or less, please tell the judges why your entry should win. Successful finalists will be invited to pitch to judges in the video face-to-face round in July.

Qualifying period
Jan 2023-May 2024

This item is not available

Please consider some or all of the following in your entry:

  • A clear description of the product or technology and its application
  • Environmental benefit
  • Concept, development and delivery
  • Current and potential future applications
  • Repeatability (if appropriate)

Use the criteria above as a guide, but any extra detail that will help your entry should be included. Additional material can be provided as attachments for reference, but the essential elements of the entry should be kept within the 1,000-words. Please do not simply attach the whole entry as a pdf!

The impact of air conditioning, heat pumps and controls on a building’s energy needs is a key area for the industry and this category is designed to reflect this importance. Nominations are invited for projects involving air conditioning, refrigeration systems, heat pumps or their controls (or a combination of the technologies), where the end result has been a significant reduction in building energy.

The judges will be looking for solutions that push forward the boundaries, either through developments in conventional approaches or the use of novel methods or technology, but merit will be given to projects that seek an integrated approach. The award will go to the project team, including (where relevant) manufacturer, designer, consultant, client and contractors.

Data showing operational performance should be provided.

NB For installations, the project must be completed, and some tangible results produced.

In 1,000 words or less, please tell the judges why your entry should win. Successful finalists will be invited to pitch to judges in the video face-to-face round in July.

Qualifying period
Jan 2023-March 2024

This item is not available

Please consider some or all of the following in your entry:

  • A clear description of the project and technologies involved
  • In what way is this innovative or distinctive?
  • Environmental benefit
  • Concept, development and delivery
  • Repeatability if appropriate

Use the criteria above as a guide, but any extra detail that will help your entry should be included. Additional material can be provided as attachments for reference, but the essential elements of the entry should be kept within the 1,000-words. Please do not simply attach the whole entry as a pdf!

Contractors are the front line of the cooling industry and the standard of their work has a major influence on the success of an installation – and therefore on its environmental impact. This category rewards the firms that provide exemplary service and outstanding performance throughout the year and is open to all refrigeration and air conditioning contractors and installers, large or small. Smaller contractors who aim high are particularly encouraged to apply.

Judges will be looking at projects completed, along with the way the business is organised. Winners will be those who demonstrate excellence across their business, from installation to back office and who provide evidence, whether through data or testimonials - customer testimonial is particularly welcomed

In 1,000 words or less, please tell the judges why your entry should win. Successful finalists will be invited to pitch to judges in the video face-to-face round in July.

Qualifying period
Jan 2023-March 2024

This item is not available

Please consider some or all of the following in your entry:

  • A clear description of what the company has achieved
  • In what way has this been innovative or exemplary?
  • Environmental benefits of the work
  • Concept, development and delivery of projects
  • Benchmarking, accreditation or testimonials

Use the criteria above as a guide, but any extra detail that will help your entry should be included. Additional material can be provided as attachments for reference, but the essential elements of the entry should be kept within the 1,000-words. Please do not simply attach the whole entry as a pdf!

This category seeks to reward an initiative that has had an impact on the cooling industry in the qualifying period. It is designed to recognise the wide diversity of developments and innovations in the cooling industry that are not related to specific projects or product developments – such as in efficiency or environmental improvements; training; awareness raising and education: or marketing campaigns. We have called it ‘customer initiative or campaign’ so that it is open to the whole cooling supply chain, including wholesalers and distributors and end-users themselves.

In 1,000 words or less, please tell the judges why your entry should win. Successful finalists will be invited to pitch to judges in the face-to-face round in July.

Qualifying period
Jan 2023-March 2024

This item is not available

Please consider some or all of the following in your entry:

  • A clear description of the initiative and its application
  • In what way is this innovative?
  • Environmental benefits, if any.
  • Concept, development and delivery
  • Current and potential future applications
  • Repeatability (if appropriate)

Use the criteria above as a guide, but any extra detail that will help your entry should be included. Additional material can be provided as attachments for reference, but the essential elements of the entry should be kept within the 1,000-words. Please do not simply attach the whole entry as a pdf!

The cooling industry is embracing the need to encourage women and ethnic minorities and this award seeks to recognise the progress being made on sites, offices and branches in improving inclusion in all its forms.

The Diversity and Inclusion Award is open to individuals who have made a particular impact in their organisations and to companies who have introduced initiatives that help promote the role of women or encourage diversity and inclusivity in other ways, such as ‘neurodiversity’ or thinking differently.

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Our judges are looking for examples of both smaller and larger-scale projects that are embracing different ways of thinking about training to be part of the sector or building an industry that can better encourage and support the needs of a diverse workforce.

In this category, the testimonials of colleagues or customers are important, describing the impact of the person or initiative.

  • Describe the impact or initiative
  • Explain the background to this entry
  • What has been the impact of this person or initiative?
  • What changes, physical or cultural, did those involved have to make to achieve the impact?
  • How has the initiative or individual contributed to promotion of diversity in their workplace, or if appropriate, in the wider industry?
  • What has been the effect within the organisation, and if applicable, to those outside of it?

Use the criteria above as a guide, but any extra detail that will help your entry should be included. Additional material can be provided as attachments for reference, but the essential elements of the entry should be kept within the 1,000-words. Please do not simply attach the whole entry as a pdf!

This category has become increasingly important, as meeting tough environmental goals requires companies to share expertise and work together as a team across disciplines. This category will reward partnerships across the supply chain where collaboration has resulted in real innovation or outstanding projects.

In this category, judges will be looking for evidence of how bringing together different disciplines has created a successful outcome – demonstrating contributions beyond simple customer-client relationships.

In 1,000 words or less, please tell the judges why your entry should win. Please include names of all collaborating companies – a single company cannot win this category!

Successful finalists will be invited to pitch to judges in the video face-to-face round in July.

Qualifying period
Jan 2023-March 2024

This item is not available

Please consider some or all of the following in your entry:

  • A clear description of the collaboration
  • In what way is this innovative or distinctive?
  • Environmental benefit
  • Concept, development and delivery
  • Contribution of collaborators – and why was collaboration desirable?
  • Repeatability (if appropriate)

Use the criteria above as a guide, but any extra detail that will help your entry should be included. Additional material can be provided as attachments for reference, but the essential elements of the entry should be kept within the 1,000-words. Please do not simply attach the whole entry as a pdf!

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There has been a huge amount of attention paid to heat pumps recently as a vital tool to reduce carbon in buildings and help meet decarbonisation goals. Of course, heat pump technology originated in the cooling industry and it depends on refrigerant, so it is only right that the Cooling Awards should seek to reward projects that make innovative, efficient or energy-saving use of heat pumps. In this category, we are particularly looking for the demonstration of best practice in terms of the skills of the cooling engineers, the design of heat recovery functions, and the effective use of very low-GWP refrigerant.  Judges are also looking at the clever use of heat sources, or some other application of the technology and its integration with cooling.

As with the other project awards, the judges will be looking for solutions that push the boundaries of low carbon systems for commercial use. Merit will be given to projects that seek an integrated approach. The award will go to the project team, including (where relevant) manufacturer, designer, consultant, client and contractors.

Data showing operational performance should be provided.

NB For installations, the project must be completed, and some tangible results produced.

In 1,000 words or less, please tell the judges why your entry should win.

Qualifying period
Jan 2023-March 2024

This item is not available

Please consider some or all of the following in your entry:

  • A clear description of the project and technologies involved
  • In what way is this an innovative or distinctive use of heat pumps?
  • Environmental and/or energy benefit
  • Concept, development and delivery
  • Repeatability if appropriate

There has been a huge amount of attention paid to heat pumps recently as a vital tool to reduce carbon in buildings and help meet decarbonisation goals. Of course, heat pump technology originated in the cooling industry and it depends on refrigerant, so it is only right that the Cooling Awards should seek to reward projects that make innovative, efficient or energy-saving use of heat pumps. In this category, we are particularly looking for the demonstration of best practice in terms of the skills of the cooling engineers, the design of heat recovery functions, and the effective use of very low-GWP refrigerant.  Judges are also looking at the clever use of heat sources, or some other application of the technology and its integration with cooling.

As with the other project awards, the judges will be looking for solutions that push the boundaries of low carbon systems for domestic use of heat pumps in the push for lower carbon living. Merit will be given to projects that seek an integrated approach. The award will go to the project team, including (where relevant) manufacturer, designer, consultant, client and contractors.

Data showing operational performance should be provided.

NB For installations, the project must be completed, and some tangible results produced.

In 1,000 words or less, please tell the judges why your entry should win. Successful finalists will be invited to pitch to judges in the video face-to-face round in July.

Qualifying period
Jan 2023-March 2024

This item is not available

Please consider some or all of the following in your entry:

  • A clear description of the project and technologies involved
  • In what way is this an innovative or distinctive use of heat pumps?
  • Environmental and/or energy benefit
  • Concept, development and delivery
  • Repeatability if appropriate

The RAC and IOR National Student of the Year 2024 prize seeks to honour students and apprentices that are in the process of undertaking training with the aim to work across the RACHP sector in a range of roles. It is also open to individuals that have just completed their studies.

Entrants are asked to fill in the application below and also provide a reference from trainers or employers where applicable.

Individuals shortlisted for this year’s prize will be asked to have a 15-minute online discussion with our judges to help give them an understanding about the candidate’s studies and their ambitions for working in the sector.

This year’s judging panel is led by Jacinta Caden, product marketing manager for cooling with Legrand.

Any questions on the application can be sent to neil.merrett@emap.com

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This award recognises cutting-edge systems, standalone products and components and processes in refrigeration. Judges will be looking at new technology that provides a definitive change to existing techniques or equipment. Submissions can come from distributor, manufacturer or designer alike. Whilst this category still requires evidence to back-up claims, judges will be weighing ‘pushing boundaries’ and innovation more heavily than volume production.

In 1,000 words or less, please tell the judges why your entry should win. Successful finalists will be invited to pitch to judges in the video face-to-face round in July.

Qualifying period
Jan 2023-March 2024

This item is not available

Please consider some or all of the following in your entry:

  • A clear description of the innovation or technology and its application
  • In what way is this innovative?
  • Environmental benefits
  • Concept, development and delivery
  • Current and potential future applications
  • Repeatability if appropriate

Use the criteria above as a guide, but any extra detail that will help your entry should be included. Additional material can be provided as attachments for reference, but the essential elements of the entry should be kept within the 1,000-words. Please do not simply attach the whole entry as a pdf!

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Entries are invited from companies that have launched a new refrigeration system or standalone product into the market within the qualifying period. Submissions can come from a distributor, manufacturer or designer alike.

The judges will be looking for entries that have made a substantial contribution to environmentally friendlier refrigeration, whether through reduced emissions, energy efficiency or improved performance. Evidence to back up claims is important.

In 1,000 words or less, please tell the judges why your entry should win.

Qualifying period
Jan 2023-May 2024

This item is not available

Please consider some or all of the following in your entry:

  • A clear description of the product or technology and its application
  • Environmental benefits
  • Concept, development and delivery
  • Current and potential future applications
  • Repeatability if appropriate

Use the criteria above as a guide, but any extra detail that will help your entry should be included. Additional material can be provided as attachments for reference, but the essential elements of the entry should be kept within the 1,000-words. Please do not simply attach the whole entry as a pdf!

As we bid to put small-but-important products into the spotlight, entries are invited from companies that have launched a new refrigeration component, accessory or peripheral item into the market within the qualifying period. Submissions can come from distributor, manufacturer or designer alike.

The judges will be looking for entries that have made a substantial contribution to environmentally friendlier refrigeration, whether through reduced emissions, energy efficiency or improved performance. Evidence to back up claims is important.

In 1,000 words or less, please tell the judges why your entry should win.

Qualifying period
Jan 2023-March 2024

This item is not available

Entries are invited for retail refrigeration or air conditioning projects for which significant environmental advantages can be demonstrated in areas such as emissions reduction, cooling performance, energy efficiency, leak containment etc. This category is open to retail in its widest sense, so can include foodservice and shopping outlets, as well as supermarkets.

The judges will be looking for solutions that push the boundaries of existing industry thinking, either through developments in conventional approaches to systems and store design or the use of novel methods or technology. The award will go to the project team, including (where relevant) designer, consultant, installation contractor and end-user.

NB For installations, the project must be completed, and some tangible results produced.

In 1,000 words or less, please tell the judges why your entry should win.

Qualifying period
Jan 2023-March 2024

This item is not available

Please consider some or all of the following in your entry:

  • A clear description of the project and technologies involved
  • In what way is this innovative or distinctive?
  • Environmental benefit
  • Concept, development and delivery
  • Repeatability if appropriate within a company or industry

Use the criteria above as a guide, but any extra detail that will help your entry should be included. Additional material can be provided as attachments for reference, but the essential elements of the entry should be kept within the 1,000-words. Please do not simply attach the whole entry as a pdf!

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The cooling industry is notable for the contribution of a large number of small companies, but because they are not able to shout as loudly as the bigger companies, they do not always get the credit they deserve.

This category aims to change that, specifically highlighting the contribution of small companies – defined as those with under 50 employees. Companies will be judged on their achievements, not specifically on their size, but the additional challenges of ‘micro’ companies (under ten employees) will be factored in.

The terms of this category are broad and can be entered by companies in all parts of the supply chain, provided they meet the size criteria. Judges are looking for evidence of all or most of the following: best practice; notable achievements; new initiatives; collaboration and innovation.  

Testimonials are always beneficial for this category from customers or collaborators.

In 1,000 words or less, please tell the judges why your entry should win.

Qualifying period
Jan 2023-March 2024

This item is not available

Please consider some or all of the following in your entry:

  • A clear description of what the company has achieved
  • What initiatives have you taken to expand your customer base, or develop existing business?
  • What innovations or improvements have you introduced in technology, best practice and/or training?
  • Environmental benefits of the work
  • Benchmarking, accreditation or testimonials

Use the criteria above as a guide, but any extra detail that will help your entry should be included. Additional material can be provided as attachments for reference, but the essential elements of the entry should be kept within the 1,000-words. Please do not simply attach the whole entry as a pdf!