Tim Mitchell
Sales Director
- Born in London on 13thJanuary 1971
- Senior Colman (formerly Barber Colman), 1989 - 1996: Started as Internal Project Support Engineer; left as External Sales Engineer
- Gained experience in all forms of air movement and control, including specialist areas such as operating theatres, clean rooms, lecture halls, theatres and large sports / entertainment venues.
- Worked on air various air distribution systems such as dual duct, “Moduline”, fan assisted variable air volume (FATVAV) and induction VAV.
- Spent two years on secondment to the Senior Colman agent for Dubai and Oman, where experience was also gained working with Woods fans, including tunnel ventilation and fire / smoke control, and designing, selecting and manufacturing attenuators.
- Following a distribution agreement between Senior Colman and chilled ceiling manufacturer BarCol Air AG of Switzerland, left Senior Colman to help establish BarCol’s fledgling UK operation.
- BarCol Air AG / REDEC UK Limited, 1996 – 1998: UK Sales Manager
- Helped establish a UK manufacturing base for the REDEC chilled ceiling system.
- Worked on some of the first major chilled ceiling projects in the UK.
- Helped to create a working partnership between REDEC UK and Klima-Therm, to enable each company to offer packages of REDEC UK chilled ceilings and Klima-Therm “COSY” chilled beams.
- Following BarCol Air AG’s acquisition by Invensys, moved to work directly for Klima-Therm.
- Klima-Therm Limited, 1998 to present day: Started as Regional Sales Manager; became Sales Director in 2008
- Originally joined to promote chilled ceiling & chilled beam systems.
- Gained experience in all other aspects of Klima-Therm’s high-end product portfolio:
- Fan Coil Units
- Fan-assisted variable air volume terminals
- Air Handling Units
- Close Control Units / Computer Room Air Conditioning Units
- Bespoke chillers (ammonia, hydrocarbon, Turbocor, sectional, super-silent etc)
- Worked with some fantastic clients and challenging projects in all of these fields, always using cutting-edge design, always with a view to sustainability and best life-cycle efficiency; including the Millennium Dome, Microsoft, the Shell Centre, BAE Systems, the new Darwin Centre extension at the Natural History Museum, BP, Barclays Bank, the University of Cambridge, the Palace of Westminster, BT, British Gas, Orange, Lloyds Bank, the MOD, Boots plc, BMW, National Air Traffic Control Centre, BAA, DEFRA, DTI, Imperial College, Waitrose, Barcap, Lockheed Martin, CSC, the London Stock Exchange, Verizon.
- Responsible for developing and securing a number of high-profile bespoke chiller projects, including Lloyds of London, Nomura, Lloyds Bank, Barclays Bank and the London Stock Exchange, and chiller projects using hydrocarbon refrigerants for the John Lewis Partnership and Waitrose.
- Recently involved with developing & supplying two world firsts: packaged chillers for a supermarket installation using the cutting-edge HFO1234ze refrigerant, and Turbocor based chillers using HFO1234ze refrigerant
- Associate member of IoR, member of ASHRAE